Coordination and Delivery Systems: Responding to COVID

Facilitating COVID responses: Rao Mai Ting Gun (No One Left Behind) scheme

To protect against the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Thai Government introduced broad social protection measures, valued at nearly USD12 billion. The first measure was the Rao Mai Ting Gun or “No One Left Behind”, which provided a monthly transfer of 5,000 THB per person  to informal or self-employed workers outside of agriculture for three months. The second measure was similar and also targeted farmers.

Facilitating COVID responses: On-Demand IDPoor Registry

The National Social Protection Council in Cambodia (NSPC), the inter-ministerial coordination structure for social protection, and the IDPoor, the country’s social registry, collaborated for the implementation of the COVID-19 emergency cash transfer. While the IDPoor provided a platform for rapidly identifying and reaching new beneficiaries, NSPC monitored and coordinated the process across ministries and administrative levels.

Facilitating COVID responses: The National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER)

The National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) in Pakistan was used to facilitate the delivery of non-contributory schemes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The NSER is used for enrolling beneficiaries into various schemes under Pakistan’s multi-sectoral multi-stakeholder poverty reduction strategy, Ehsaas, along with the biometrically enabled Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). With a coverage of 85 per cent and seamless interoperability with the CNIC, the NSER formed a strategic pillar for shock-related expansions of the social protection system.1

Facilitating COVID responses: Data Terpadu Kesejahteran Sosial (DTKS)

The Data Terpadu Kesejahteran Sosial (DTKS) is Indonesia’s social registry that was used for delivering non-contributory social protection during the COVID-19 crisis. It aims to cover of the poorest 40 per cent of the population through an on-demand approach. Integrated with the National ID system, the DTKS was strategically placed to help reach the “new poor” during the pandemic.